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artwork by:

Alica Kucharovič

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Retart brings you an original toy that is at the same time a unique collector´s item. The design handmade toys from our limited edition “Famous Artist Toys” revive three internationally renowned fine artists whose works have provoked great acclaim. On the toys, made of polyester, we depicted features and clothes typical for these artists. The material is soft to the touch and it is printed with wearproof ecological colours. The toy is filled with a soft substance and it has a wire skeleton that can be bent. It is packaged with a text informing about the life and work of the artist. The size of the toy is 42 cm x12 cm and it weights 75 grams. It can be used for playing and/or as an interesting decoration.

Delivery time is 7 to 10 days
  • Unique artist toy
  • Size: 43 cm x 14 cm x 5 cm
  • Fabric 100% Polyester
  • Movable wire inside
  • The print is colourfast
  • The print is abrasion resistant 
  • Eco durable printing technologies
  • Made in Slovakia
Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh in 1928, and died in 1987 in New York. He was a visual and multi-media artist, movie director, writer and marketing specialist. He is often considered the leading figure of American Pop Art. His parents were from Slovakia and he was aware of his origins thanks to his mother who always stayed in touch with her siblings. After receiving a degree in Commercial Art at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, he decided to move to New York. He started his career as a graphic designer in commercials, for fashion illustrations and magazines. Soon he was remarked and famous galleries began exhibiting his works. In the beginning of the 60ʼs he started to make paintings of iconic American objects. He was the first painter to use modern elements like glass, textile insertion and mechanical printing in his work. His artwork constitutes an impressive testimony of the contemporary American society. Most of his paintings were created in his studio named The Factory, which has remained an important art hub to this day. “Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.”
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