Retart peňaženka má 15 rokov
Hand “The Holder” artwork by Boris Sirka
Retart proudly presents the first work of art from its production! A limited edition of glazed ceramic solitaire called Hand - The Holder. In this project, renowned contemporary Slovak artist Boris Sirka has switched from painting to sculpture for a while. He has created an artistically enriched statuette, which can function as a jewellery stand. The object materializes imagery from the author’s paintings.“The Holder” a.k.a. The Hand is the third item from the painter’s series of small sculptures. The functional product is made of sustainable material – baked clay, which is harder than ceramic. It is fire glazed with subtle flecks and sand grey texture.
The series of 10 pieces is hand made, each object being an original with subtle variations. The size is 21cm x 15cm x 5cm and the weight is 400 grams. The statuettes are securely and stylishly wrapped in a printed wooden case with a serial number. Each piece bears the artist’s signature on the underside and the year in which it was created. A printed and signed certificate of originality accompanies each work. The statuettes were created and produced in Slovakia.

#2 Retart PRINT artwork by Barbora Kmecová : Expedition Three palms
Expedition Three palms is world famous expedition with a thousand-year tradition. It is loved by all generations. Whether big or short, child or pensioner…it doesn’t really matter. On board there is everybody equal. They’ll change into the adventurers of all kinds such as brave unbridled sailors or fierce pirates ready to overcome even the most obscure obstacles that water can ever bring. Sometimes they plan it for months in advance and eagerly await the most favorable conditions. As the deadline is coming, in our geographical latitude between 6th and 9th month of the year, the emotions such as enthusiasm, nervousness, sensitivity, even insomnia or fever are increasing as well. And suddenly boom. It is time. The air seems right, no clouds in the sky. Prepare your water lobsters, stretch the sails! Another summer adventure just begin!
#1 Retart PRINT artwork by Alica Kucharovič : The Col du Glandon mountain pass (1,924 m )
The Col du Glandon mountain pass was opened in 1898. In the past it was part of the Tour de France cycling race. The cycloton of the cyclists, driven by his perseverance, refers to the tenacity of man and the motivation to move his borders. Col du Glandon is a typical alpine “giant” climb. Long, tall, leading to almost 2,000 altitude. Up there, in the midst of endless grasslands, you can easily feel like at the end of the world, beyond civilization. There is no hotel or souvenir shop waiting for you. But you feel the power of nature fully, with all your senses. For an author who actively cycles and loves similar challenges, this feeling was doubled.
Woman Wallet / 2017
Artwork : Alica Kucharovič /
Photo : Matúš & Alica Kucharovič /
Art Director : Matúš & Alica Kucharovič
Locality: Home Studio, Piešťany

Foyer / Tshirt & Cap / 2017
Artwork : Barbora Idesová /
Juliana Chomová /
Ormoš /
Photo : Matúš & Alica Kucharovič /
Art Director : Matúš & Alica Kucharovič
Models: Barbora Keherová & El Jay
Locality: Hide foyer, Piešťany

Small Wallet / 2017
Photo : StudioRetart / Matúš Kucharovič
Art director : Matúš Kucharovič
Order tu.

BEANIE / 2016
Photo : Marek Švančara /
Art Director : Alica Kucharovič
You can make order here.

Swimsuit & Shorts / 2016
Photo : Mária Švarbová /
Artwork : Alica Kucharovič /
Juliana Chomová /
Katarína Janečková /
Art Director : Mária Švarbová
Asistent: Martina Širáňová
Lokalita : Kúpalisko EVA , Piešťany

Case / 2015
Photo by Patrik Gubiš /
Art Director & Model : Zuzana Fajta /
Location : Pezinok , Slovakia

Pin / 2016
Photo by Retart

Hat / Summer 2015
Photo by Michaela Dutková
Artwork by Daniela Olejníková
Art Director : Alica Gurinova
Model : Deanna Pizzitelli
Location : Piešťany, Wake Soul, SK
Cap / Summer 2015
Photos by Adam Lukas ( Location Prague, Czech Republik )
Artwork by Juliana Chomová, Alica Gurínová, Boris Sirka and Karol Banach.
Order here
SCARF / Limited edition / Summer 2014
Photos by Dita Havránková ( Location SLAPY, Czech Republik )
Artwork by Daniela Olejníková, Alica Gurínová, Martin Tomori.
Order here
Lace Belt
Photos by Honza Zima aka Pinin (Location NY,USA)
Photos by Kubo Krížo (Location Barcelona, Spain)
Actual Scarfs 2013 / 2014
Photos by Kubo Krížo
Photos by Honza Zima aka Pinin
Photos by Robotix
Retart x SNG
It’s great to be able to present contemporary art! We appreciate the names of the artists who, thanks to the Slovak National Gallery, will get into your hands and in the eyes of all of us. Our mission continues successfully and the current cooperation is proof: SNG x Retart
Big Wallet
Big Wallet / 2017
Big wallet offers great space in a pure design.
Artwork by Alica Kucharovič from actual exhibition #TNRF2017
Now #freeshipping
Artwork : Alica Kucharovič /
Photo : Matúš & Alica Kucharovič /
Art Director : Matúš & Alica Kucharovič
Locality: Home Studio, Piešťany
Foyer collection
The summer collection of the Retart product line, specially designed in a limited edition, presenting artworks by Slovak contemporary artists. We will stay at foyer of fashion.
Foyer / Tshirt & Cap / 2017
Artwork : Barbora Idesová /
Juliana Chomová /
Ormoš /
Photo : Matúš & Alica Kucharovič /
Art Director : Matúš & Alica Kucharovič
Models: Barbora Keherová & El Jay
Locality: Hide foyer, Piešťany

Retart, proudly presents a new product: Beanie
City or woods, wind or storm, the brand new Retart Beanie will keep you warm! The classic-cut soft acrylic fold beanie celebrates urban street style. The cap that displays original authorial design is woven in two layers, weighs 50 grams, it is 17 cm high and should fit every head. Each beanie has a flag label with the name of the artist who designed it. Made in Slovakia.
Actual artist collaboration by Miša Chmelíčková, Juliana Chomová, Alica Kucharovič and Matúš Kucharovič.
You can make order here.

Thank you!
Retart článok v Protišedi
Retart Pin in URBAG
Our partners web mag from Czech Republic about urban fashion, trends, known and unknown brands from around the world.
PIN introducing / 2016
Retart, proudly presents a new product: Retart Pins
Being a piece of wearable art, pins are not just collectables, but also symbols of personal culture. They reflect our individuality, personality and interests. We wear them to spice up our shirts or bags. They are small pop-culture icons that celebrate the motto: “Simplicity is beauty.” The new series of pins made in collaboration with Slovak artists presents 6 different and unique works of art.
Actual artist collaboration by Alica Kucharovič, Martina Pauková, Osem, Daniela Olejníková, Barbora Idesová, Lívia Mezovská.
You can make order here.
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Retart s radosťou predstavuje: Odznak / Pin
Prichádzajú ako kúsok nositeľného umenia. Odznaky pre nás neznamenajú len fanatickú zberateľskú vášeň, ale aj podporu osobnej kultúry. Tvoria obraz o našej individualite, hovoria o osobnosti a záujmoch. Nosíme ich ako extra potešenie pre svoju košeľu či vak. Máme s nimi zábavu, pretože máme zmysel pre humor. Malá pop-kultúrna ikona, ktorá oslavuje heslo: V jednoduchosti je krása.
V aktuálnej autorskej kolaborácii prinášame 6 unikátnych odznakov od autorov:
Alica Kucharovič, Martina Pauková, Osem, Daniela Olejníková, Barbora Idesová, Lívia Mezovská.
Objednávajte tu.

PF 2016
Happy New 2016 / Vsecko Dobre od nas !
Retart Team : Matúš & Alica & Alma
Can’t wait for Christmas
Impatient Retart Cap can’t wait for Christmas.
She is still ready for your order…
We are running out of time.
CASE introducing / 2015
New product Retart / iPhone Case / 2015
„Smart art.“
Retart, an independent Slovak label, proudly presents the new product: Case for iPhone 4/4s, 5/5s, 6/6s.
Cases are a fresh addition to Retart’s product line. Their design is inspired by clean design of Apple iPhone smartphones which they are also intended for. Retart case represents the product standard that connects the traditional design with authored piece of art. Cases are intended for Apple iPhone smartphones and come in 4 size variants: iPhone 4/4s, iPhone 5/5s, iPhone 6/6s. Available in 8 authored variations, they present the artworks of contemporary visual artists.
Our case is made of one piece of thin yet solid plastic, resistant to shock and scratches. It fits the shape of the device perfectly and allows easy access to all its features. Latest print technology is a guarantee for true, color stable and abrasion durable finish during the entire product’s lifetime. Surface is matte and anti-skid. Weight of the product is 13,14 and19 grams. Every case features inner badge with the name of artist whose works it presents.
Retart merges visual art with original products of daily use and thus makes it accessible not only for gallery visitors, but for everyone. This way he tries to make art accessible for everyone and contribute to its spreading and understanding. It is not the intention of Retart to originate mass production. He pays attention to the individual asset of every artist he cooperates with. We believe every product has its own story and its own soul.
Order here.
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Nový produkt Retart / iPhone Case / 2015
„Smart art.“
Retart, nezávislý slovenský label, si Vám dovoľuje predstaviť nový produkt : Púzdro / Case pre iPhone 4/4s, 5/5s, 6/6s.
Multimediálny fenomén zvaný iPhone otvoril človeku nové možnosti. Kreativita v digitálnych médiách je s ním priamo spätá. My ho prepájame so súčasným umením, ktoré mu dáva nový vizuálny aj funkčný rozmer. Tradičný design a nekonvenčné umenie urobí váš iPhone osobnejším. Dotknime sa spolu toho čo máte radi.
Púzdra sú čerstvou novinkou v produktovej rade Retart. Sú navrhnuté a inšpirované čistým dizajnom smartphónov Apple iPhone, pre ktorých používanie sú priamo určené. Púzdro Retart predstavuje produktový štandard, v ktorom sa spája tradičný design s autorským umeleckým dielom.
Púzdra sú určené pre smartphóny Apple iPhone v troch veľkostných variantoch: iPhone4/4s / iPhone5/5s / iPhone6/6s. Dostupné sú v ôsmich autorských prevedeniach prezentujúcich práce súčasných vizuálnych umelcov.
Konštrukcia našeho púzdra je tvorená jedným kusom tenkého, ale tvrdého plastu odolávajúcemu nárazu a poškrabaniu. Dobre kopíruje tvar zariadenia a umožňuje ľahký prístup ku všetkým jeho funkciám. Najmodernejšia tlačová technológia zabezpečuje vernú, farbostálu a oderuvzdornú povrchovú úpravu po celý čas používania. Povrch je matný a protišmykový. Váha je 13,14 a19 gramov. Každé púzdro má na vnútornej strane umiestnený štítok s menom umelca, ktorého dielo prezentuje.
Objednávajte tu.
Retart Hat in Urbag Mag
Our partners web mag from Czech Republic about urban fashion, trends, known and unknown brands from around the world.
Here we have new caps.
HAT introducing / 2015
„Under the hat.“
Retart, independent Slovak label proudly presents a new product: the Hat.
Artwork by: Daniela Olejníková
“Retart Hat was born in the wild west. It grew up in a fishing village and came of age in the rain forest. It learned about the real world in the town where it matured and discovered art. It survived in the desert and in the heavy seas, never got scared of hurricanes, never flew away. It was always where it was needed: on someone’s head.”
Retart Hat is made from fabric a blend of cotton and polyester, soft to the touch and breathable. It is sewn together from two pieces of material, which enables it to copy the shape of the head and fit well. It features an adjustable rope. The circumference of the hat is 58cm. It is 11 cm tall and it weighs 65 grams. It features an exterior flag label with the name of the author of the design. Every Retart hat is an original piece of wearable art thanks to the unique layout of the artwork.
Retart merges visual art with original products of daily use and thus makes it accessible not only for gallery visitors, but for everyone. This way we try to contribute to its spreading and understanding. It is not the intention of Retart to originate mass production. We pay attention to the individual asset of every artist we cooperate with. We believe every product has its own story and its own soul.
You can make order here.
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„Máme pod klobúkom.“
Retart, nezávislý slovenský label, si Vám dovoľuje predstaviť nový produkt : Klobúk / Hat
Autorské dielo : Daniela Olejníková
“Retart Klobúk sa narodil na divokom západe. Vyrastal v rybárskej dedine a dospieval v pralese. Svoj skutočný svet spoznal až v meste kde dospel a pričuchol si k umeniu. Prežil púšť i morské vlnobitie, nezľakol sa hurikánu, neodletel. Vždy bol tam, kde bolo treba: na hlave.”
Retart Klobúk je vyrobený z látky zmesi bavlny a polyesteru, príjemnej na dotyk a vzdušnej na nosenie. Je tvorený z dvoch častí, vďaka čomu dobre dolieha na hlavu a kopíruje jej tvar. Súčasťou klobúka je nastaviteľná sťahovacia šnúrka. Obvodová veľkosť je 58cm, hĺbka je 11 centimetrov a hmotnosť 65 gramov. Klobúk má na vonkajšej strane umiestnený štítok s menom umelca, ktorého dielo prezentuje. Každý klobúk je unikátny originál pre jedinečné usporiadanie a orientáciu diela.
Retart prepája umenie s vecami každodennej potreby. Sprostredkúva vyššiu kultúru a robí ju dostupnou nielen pre galérie, ale i pre bežných ľudí. Takto napomáha jej šíreniu a chápaniu. Retart nemá tendencie vytvárať masovú produkciu, ale dbá na osobitý autorský prínos. Každý produkt má vlastný príbeh a svoju dušu.
Objednávajte tu.
Retart cap in Urbag mag
Our partners web mag from Czech Republic about urban fashion, trends, known and unknown brands from around the world.
Here we have new caps.
Vote for Retart
Retart je v súťaži : Národná cena za produktový dizajn 2015
Ak si jeho stálym priaznivcom môžeš ho podporiť svojim like/om v internetovom hlasovaní súťaže.
Link : je tu.
Vďaka !
Matúš Kucharovič
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Retart take part in competition: National Prize for product design 2015 (Slovakia)
If you want support him like this link photo for internet voting in the competition.
Link : here.
Matúš Kucharovič
CAP introducing / 2015
“Art in Your Head and on Your Cap”
Retart, independent Slovak label, has launched a new product: The Cap. Let us introduce you the new members of the 5-panel cap generation. The Retart Caps display original artwork of four contemporary visual artists: Juliana Chomová, Alica Gurínová, Boris Sirka and Karol Banach.
The history of the 5-panel cap can be traced to the 1960´s. In the past few years it has made a comeback thanks to the NYC bicycle couriers who have contributed to its resurrection and spreading popularity. The cap has become one of the symbols of urban folklore and a part of urban style globally.
The Retart cap is made from a blend of cotton and polyester that is soft to the touch and breathable. It is sewn together from five individual pieces of material, each catering for an individual region of the head, which makes it fit well. The cap is 11 cm tall and it weighs 75 grams. It features an adjustable strap in the rear to increase or decrease the size and an exterior flag label with the name of the author of the design. Every Retart cap is an original piece of wearable art thanks to the unique layout of the artwork.
Retart merges visual art with original products of daily use and thus makes it accessible not only for gallery visitors, but for everyone.This way he tries to make art accessible for everyone and contribute to its spreading and understanding. It is not the intention of Retart to originate mass production. He pays attention to the individual asset of every artist he cooperates with. We believes every product has its own story and its own soul.
You can make order here.
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„Umenie na hlave i v nej.“
Retart, nezávislý slovenský label, si Vám dovoľuje predstaviť nový produkt : Šiltovka / Cap
Nové prírastky z populárnej generácie šiltoviek typu 5 panel, ktoré nesú stopy vizuálneho umenia a priamej autorskej prezentácie. Kolekciu tvoria umelci : Juliana Chomová, Alica Gurínová, Boris Sirka a Karol Banach.
História 5 panelových šiltoviek siaha do 60tych rokov. K ich dnešnej reinkarnácii a spopularizovaniu však prispela hlavne komunita cyklokuriérov z New Yorku. Stali sa tak urban folklórom a neoddeliteľnou súčasťou mestského štýlu po celom svete.
Retart Šiltovka je vyrobená zo zmesi bavlny a polyesteru, príjemnej na dotyk a vzdušnej na nosenie. Je tvorená z piatich častí, vďaka čomu dobre dolieha na hlavu a kopíruje jej tvar. Veľkosť je nastaviteľná pásikom v zadnej časti. Hĺbka šiltovky je 11 centimetrov a váha 75 gramov. Každá šiltovka má na vonkajšej strane umiestnený štítok s menom umelca, ktorého dielo prezentuje. Každá šiltovka je unikátny originál pre jedinečné usporiadanie a orientáciu diela.
Retart prepája umenie s vecami každodennej potreby. Sprostredkúva takto vyššiu kultúru a robí ju dostupnou nie len pre galérie, ale i pre bežných ľudí. Takto napomáha jej šíreniu a chápaniu. Retart nemá tendencie vytvárať masovú produkciu, ale dbá na osobitý autorský prínos. Každý produkt má vlastný príbeh a svoju dušu.
Objednávajte tu.
Cap / Summer 2015
Photos by Adam Lukas ( Location Prague, Czech Republik )
Artwork by Juliana Chomová, Alica Gurínová, Boris Sirka and Karol Banach.
Order here
Famouse Artist toys
Retart brings you an original toy that is at the same time a unique collector´s item. The design handmade toys from our limited edition “Famous Artist Toys” revive three internationally renowned fine artists whose works have provoked great acclaim. On the toys, made of polyester, we depicted features and clothes typical for these artists. The material is soft to the touch and it is printed with wearproof ecological colours. The toy is filled with a soft substance and it has a wire skeleton that can be bent. It is packaged with a text informing about the life and work of the artist. The size of the toy is 42 cm x12 cm and it weights 75 grams. It can be used for playing and/or as an interesting decoration.
You can make order here.
Prinášame Vám originálnu hračku a zároveň jedinečný zberateľský kúsok. Ručne vyrobené dizajnové hračky v limitovanej edícii nazvanej ” Famouse Artist toys” oživujú troch významných svetových umelcov, ktorých odkaz rezonuje dodnes. Zobrazujeme ich v ich typické rysy od fyzických znakov cez ich oblečenie. Retart hračka je vyrobená z polyesteru, príjemného na dotyk potlačená ekologickými farbami, ktoré sa neodierajú. Vnútro hračky je vyplnené jemnou tkaninou. Kostra je drôtená a umožňuje ohýbať všetky končatiny. Súčasťou balenia je náučný text so životopisom konkrétneho umelca. Veľkosť hračky je 42cm x 12 cm a váha 75 gramov. Vhodná na hranie i ako zaujímavá dekorácia.
Objednávajte tu.
PF 2015
Merry Ret & Happy Art 2015
All the best for all our friends !
Co-Founder : Matúš Kucharovič
Retart & Juraj Jakubisko
Retart Vám z hrdosťou predstavuje kolaboráciu s renomovaným umelcom svetového mena. Prinášame Vám špeciálnu edíciu Retart peňaženiek, ktoré prezentujú serigrafické výtvarné dielo živej legendy a popredného slovenského režiséra Juraja Jakubiska.
Juraj Jakubisko sa narodil 30. apríla 1938 v Kojšove. Vo filmoch sa mu podarilo zachytiť najkrajšie farby života, odhaliť poéziu skrytú za všednosťou a predstihnúť dobu, pričom nikdy nezabudol na svoje korene. Juraj Jakubisko má dušu umelca, oko maliara a srdce básnika.
Retart je nezávislý slovenský label, prezentujúci súčasných výtvarných umelcov cez funkčné produkty.
Takýmto spôsobom chce posúvať autorské práce na nové miesta a dostavať ich do konfrontácie s novými ľuďmi. Prepája umenie s vecami každodennej potreby. Sprostredkúva takto vyššiu kultúru a robí ju dostupnou nie len pre galérie, ale i pre bežných ľudí v rámci produktu. Takto napomáha jej šíreniu a chápaniu. Retart nemá tendencie vytvárať masovú produkciu, ale dbá na osobitý autorský prínos. Každý produkt má vlastný príbeh a svoju dušu.
Objednávajte tu.
————————————————————————————————————— English —————————————————————————————————————
Retart proudly presents a collaborative project with an internationally renowned artist.
We bring you a special edition of Retart wallets that display serigraphic artwork of a living legend, prominent Slovak director, Juraj Jakubisko.
Juraj Jakubisko (born 30 April 1938, Kojšov, Czechoslovakia) is a Slovak film director. In his movies he has managed to capture life’s most beautiful colours, to uncover the poetry behind the ordinary and to be ahead of his time without forgetting his roots. Juraj Jakubisko has a soul of an artist, an eye of a painter and a heart of a poet.
Retart is an independent label from Slovakia that presents contemporary visual artists and their artworks through functional products.
Retart merges visual art with original products of daily use and thus makes it accessible not only for gallery visitors, but for everyone.This way he tries to make art accessible for everyone and contribute to its spreading and understanding. It is not the intention of Retart to originate mass production. He pays attention to the individual asset of every artist he cooperates with. We believes every product has its own story and its own soul.
You can make order here.
Retart in URBAG magazine
Our partners web magazine from Czech Republic about urban fashion, trends, known and unknown brands from around the world.
Scarf / Limited edition / Summer 2014
Retart, independent Slovak label, presents a limited edition of summer scarves.
Following our strategy of promoting visual art in unconventional ways, we have launched a premium fashion accessory for women. Retart Scarf promotes brand new artwork of three contemporary Slovak visual artists.
Retart present a limited edition of summer scarves that combine contemporary art with luxury fabric.
Made of soft viscose, light, glossy and soft to the touch, the premium fashion accessory protects the skin from sun, dust and wind. It weights only 79 grams and its square shape (100 by 100 centimeters) enables the owner to wear the artwork in many different ways. Retart Scarves are made in Slovakia and each of them contains a label with the signature of the artist.
Retart merges visual art with original products of daily use and thus makes it accessible not only for gallery visitors, but for everyone.This way he tries to make art accessible for everyone and contribute to its spreading and understanding. It is not the intention of Retart to originate mass production. He pays attention to the individual asset of every artist he cooperates with. We believes every product has its own story and its own soul.
Let´s change your dull things for a piece of art you can wear everyday !
ŠATKA / SCARF / Limitovaná edícia / Leto 2014
Retart, nezávislý slovenský label, si Vám dovoľuje predstaviť limitovanú edíciu letných šatiek.
Znovu posúvame umenie ďalej a tentokrát prinášame prémium módny doplnok určený výhradne ženám. Šatky prezentujú aktuálnu tvorbu troch súčasných slovenských výtvarníkov.
Retart prináša limitovanú edíciu letných šatiek, ktorá kombinuje estetiku umeleckého diela s luxusným materiálom. Šatka je vyrobená z jemného viskózového materiálu, ktorého úpletový systém je ľahký, lesklý a príjemný na dotyk. Prémium módny doplnok slúži aj ako ochrana pred slnkom, prachom a vetrom. Jej štvorcový tvar vytvára možnú variabilitu artworku pri jej nosení. Veľkosť šatky je 100 x 100 centimetrov a váha len 79 gramov. Každá šatka obsahuje autorský štítok so signatúrou umelca. Produkt je vyrobený na Slovensku.
Retart prepája umenie s vecami každodennej potreby. Sprostredkúva takto vyššiu kultúru a robí ju dostupnou nie len pre galérie, ale i pre bežných ľudí. Takto napomáha jej šíreniu a chápaniu. Retart nemá tendencie vytvárať masovú produkciu, ale dbá na osobitý autorský prínos. Každý produkt má vlastný príbeh a svoju dušu.
Contest in Boardlife magazine
The biggest and most watched snow-skate-wake-surf webmagazín in Slovakia. It is the only snow / skate / wake / surf media in Slovakia.
Boardriders community of Slovakia
Retart in Shiz magazine
Slovak web magazine Shiz:
Retart in “Proti šedi” magazine
“Proti šedi” means against the gray, dull and boring. Czech web server with articles, photos and sounds that support the interesting and the creative. Stay tuned for more!
Lustr Festival
Lustr is the first festival of young Czech and Slovak illustrators, which will take place from Friday 25th to Sunday, the 27th April 2014 at the gallery Art Salon S MICRONA in Prague. The three-day festival with continuing exhibition, which runs until 30. 6.2014 showcasing the best of Czech and Slovak author’s illustrations. Retart present Skate remade project in gallery space.
Lace introducing
Lace / Belt
Retart, an independent Slovak label, introduces a hot news in its product line: the Lace.
It is an original modification of a belt, inspired by the skateboard culture. The lace is soft, comfortable, it doesn’t disturb you when you move and it’s simply original.
At the same time, it displays the newest artwork of six contemporary Czech and Slovak visual artists. It is an elegant and stylish accessory to all kinds of clothes and it will underline your sense for detail.
The lace is made of comfortable satin fabric, it is 150 cm long and 1,5 cm wide and on both sides it is printed with original artwork. On one end, you will find the Retart logo and on the other, the name of the artist who designed the lace. Just tie and wear!
Retart merges visual art with original products of daily use and thus makes it accessible not only for gallery visitors, but for everyone.This way he tries to make art accessible for everyone and contribute to its spreading and understanding. It is not the intention of Retart to originate mass production. He pays attention to the individual asset of every artist he cooperates with. We believes every product has its own story and its own soul.
Let´s change your dull accessories for a piece of art you can wear everyday !
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Šnúrka / Opasok
Retart, nezávislý slovenský label, si Vám dovoľuje predstaviť nový produkt: Šnúrka / Lace
Prináša vlastnú verziu opasku, inšpirovanú skateboard kultúrou.
Prvý krát začali šnúrku nosiť skateboardisti, ktorí ich vymenili za klasický opasok z viacerých dôvodov.
Šnúrka je mäkká, pohodlná, neprekáža pri pohybe a je jednoducho odlišná. Predstavuje aktuálnu tvorbu šiestich súčasných umelcov zo Slovenska a Čiech. Je elegantným a štýlovým doplnkom na rôzne typy oblečenia a vyzdvihuje zmysel pre detail.
Šnúrka je vyhotovená z príjemného saténového materiálu v rozmeroch 150 cm x 1.5 cm obojstranne potlačená. Na začiatku je logo Retart a na konci klasické šnúrkové ukončenie v ktorom nájdete meno umelca, ktorý šnúrku navrhol. Stačí zaviazať a nosiť.
Retart prepája umenie s vecami každodennej potreby. Sprostredkúva takto vyššiu kultúru a robí ju dostupnou nie len pre galérie, ale i pre bežných ľudí. Takto napomáha jej šíreniu a chápaniu. Retart nemá tendencie vytvárať masovú produkciu, ale dbá na osobitý autorský prínos. Každý produkt má vlastný príbeh a svoju dušu.
Morocco 2014
This short video document is a picture of three intense weeks which we spent traveling through Morocco in January.
Morocco is a rugged country of wild nature and strong people, whose deeply rooted traditional lifestyle and values can´t be shaken by any modern tendencies or ideologies.
Shoot by GoPro3.
Alica Gurinova / Matus Kucharovic © 2014
Music : Allah Las / Busman’s Holiday
Vlna magazine
Cover for Vlna magazine
Vlna cover kriza.
(not used)
PF 2014
Peaceful Christmas and Happy New Year 2014.
In the New Year Retart wants to bring new and unique products to present an international artists.
Big Thanks to everybody who supports Retart !
Co-Founder : Matúš Kucharovič
Retart Limited Edition 2
Special #16 Limited Edition of Christmas time theme by Eva Maceková.
Before Christmas time 2013 Retart presents a special limited edition of wallets.
The original artwork printed on the wallet was created by Eva Maceková, Slovak illustrator.
The edition is limited to 16 pieces, each of them marked with its number. Inside transparent foil is secret message with signature of artist. The central idea of the edition and of the artwork is the Christmas time.
You can make order here.
Scarf introducing
New Product and art on the neck !
Retart independent Slovak label would like to present you a new product: Scarf.
Our purpose is to penetrate art into fashion. We bring avant-garde unisex accessory and at the same time show contemporary art of six Slovak and Czech artists.
Retart Scarf is an original accessory that combines aesthetic design with practical use. It is made out of functional fabric, light, strong and soft to the touch. It is suitable to everyday use, but also for sports, as it protects the skin from sun, dust, wind and frost. The square shape enables you to wear the artwork in many different ways. The size is 70 x 70 centimeters and weight is 120 grams. Each Scarf contains on the reverse side a label with the name of the artist, his portraits and contact information. The product is manufactured in Slovakia.
Let´s change your dull things for a piece of art you can wear everyday !
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Nový produkt a umenie na krku !
Retart, nezávislý slovenský label, si Vám dovoľuje predstaviť nový produkt: Šatka / Scarf.
Po prvý krát posúvame umenie do sveta módy. Prinášame avantgardný unisex doplnok prezentujúci aktuálnu tvorbu šiestich súčasných výtvarníkov zo Slovenska a Čiech.
Retart šatka je originály módny dopnok, v ktorom sa spája umelecká estetika diela s užitočnými vlastnosťami. Je vyrobená z funkčného materiálu, ktorého úpletový systém je ľahký, pevný a príjemný na dotyk. Je vhodná na bežné nosenie, ale i na špotovú činnosť ako ochrana vašej tváre pred slnkom, prachom, vetrom a mrazom. Jej štvorcový tvar vytvára možnú variabilitu artworku pri jej nosení. Veľkosť je 70 x 70 centimetrov a váha 120 gramov. Každá šatka obsahuje na rubovej strane autorský štítok s menom umelca, jeho portrétom a kontaktnými informáciami. Produkt je vyrobený na Slovensku.
Retart prepája umenie s vecami každodennej potreby. Sprostredkúva takto vyššiu kultúru a robí ju dostupnou nie len pre galérie, ale i pre bežných ľudí. Takto napomáha jej šíreniu a chápaniu. Retart nemá tendencie vytvárať masovú produkciu, ale dbá na osobitý autorský prínos. Každý produkt má vlastný príbeh a svoju dušu.
Zmeňte svoje nudné veci za umelecké dielo, ktoré môžete nosiť každý deň !
Famous Artists Together
Famous Artists Together
I’m starting to work on my own project of drawing : Famous Artists Together
At irregular intervals, I will give out my drawings of my favorit famous artists.
Frank Zappa and Bianca Jagger
by Retart
Tabor, Czech Republic
We spent amazing weekend in Tabor at book festival full of inspiration created by contemporary illustrators and independent book publishers working together.
Tabook is a literary festival that focuses on works of small publishers. This year the festival was held for a second time in old town called Tabor. Many publishers who prefer quality over quantity and commercial success present their works here. All of them cooperate with spiritually and intellectually inspired authors. Despite the fact they hardly make money for the living, they work with huge enthusiasm. Unfortunately people still hold a stereotype that art cannot be a real job but it is only a hobby and amusement for these creators. All these publishers spend huge amount of time looking for best authors, prose writers and graphic artists which make them real, original and creative publisher geniuses.
Thank you Tabook 2013 !
Famous Artists Together
I’m starting to work on my own project of drawing : Famous Artists Together
At irregular intervals, I will give out my drawings of my favorit famous artists.
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg
by Retart
Grape Festival 2013
Thanks to everybody who came visit Retart on Grape !
Malta Artisan Fair
This year, for the first time we have visited the island of Malta and spent there two amazing weeks. As the only foreign label, Retart received special invitation to attend the local design market “Artistan” - Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th July 2013.
The Artisan Fair in Malta, often described as Malat’s authentic local market, gives to the visitors an unique opportunity to buy local high quality and affordable products from the artists, craft makers and food producers who are carefully selected. Everything is completed by a beautiful location with interesting architecture and history.
During the stay we traveled around the islands of Malta and Gozo where we were discovering their pure nature with its hidden beauties. We got a change to meet local people who presented us the place from totally different point of view.
People from Malta are very kind and friendly with unique Modern-Latino lifestyle. They have little bit distorted sense of distance than we do because the island is so small. Nobody uses bicycles there but everyone likes BBQ on the beach. They are huge patriots with very interesting history.
The Bright tradeshow Berlin
Retart has participated as an exhibitor at the nice event called “The Bright tradeshow in Berlin”. We spent there three amazing days (July 03. - 05. 2013) together with top international brands. This place was really good for the presentation of our product portfolio because we met with great understanding and respect for our products. The unique concept of the whole event, the selected exhibitors’ portfolios and the supporting program of “The Bright tradeshow in Berlin” are the indications for our Bright future.
The Bright tradeshow has established itself to a constant venue for streetwear, sneaker, fashion and boardsport in Europe. Driving force and link between the different elements is skateboarding, whose influences shaped decisively the image and authentic character of the different segments.
For a wide variety of brands Bright offers a product-related chance for presentation, its unique concept guarantees a maximum of image and identity. The individual location as well as the product-orientated framework, consisting of an innovative contest/artist program, support the characteristically atmosphere of the off-show. Skateboard culture and the relating side-events (artist shows & nightlife) are important features of the tradeshow; still the commercial aspect takes a primary position. With its concept the Bright tradeshow offers a very positive and comfortable atmosphere without neglecting the function as an interface between distribution and retail.
Wien Fesch’ Markt
Das Retart travels a lot this summer. Our first stop was in Vienna Fesch’ Markt.
We spent nice weekend in old brewery Ottakringer close to the center of Vienna with friends from Die Buffet clothing brand.
We came back with new experiences of Austrian people, with new audience and new connections for our brand.
Retart Limited Edition
ČSR by Alica Gurínová.
Before launching the 2013 collection, the Slovak label Retart presents a special limited edition of wallets. It commemorates the 20th anniversary of independence of the countries that used to form Czechoslovakia.
The original artwork printed on the wallet was created by Alica Gurínová, Slovak illustrator and animator. The edition is limited to 20 pieces, each of them marked with its number. The central idea of the edition and of the artwork is the affinity between the two countries after 20 years of their independent existence.
Retart Limitovaná edícia
ČSR vytvorila Alica Gurínová.
Slovenský label Retart pred uvedením novej kolekcie 2013 vydáva špeciálnu limitovanú edíciu peňaženiek. Pripomína ňou 20. výročie samostatnosti oboch krajín bývalého Československa.
O originálne autorské stvárnenie sa postarala Alica Gurínová, slovenská ilustrátorka a animátorka. Edícia je limitovaná na 20 kusov peňaženiek, ktoré sú presne číselne označené. Ústrednou myšlienkou edície a prezentovaného diela je spolužitie dvoch národov po 20 rokoch.
Buspark logo
Logotype for new Bus company in Czech republic. Comprehensive services for operators and owners of buses.
Retart in Eva magazin
Article about Retart label in new issue Eva magazin. One of best traditional women’s lifestyle magazine in Slovakia.
Here is my cartoon Bro.
We are back
We are back after holliday with good news.
Hi-technology of prints Retart wallets.
New eco durable printing technologies.
Come with us !
Happy 2013
Peaceful Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!
In the New Year Retart wants to bring new and unique products to present an international artists.
Big Thanks to everybody who supports Retart.
Design Supermarket / Prague
Cofounders of brands Retart and Buffet and their successful representation.
Thanks everybody for coming!
Sale festival of contemporary design 6. - 9. 12. 2012 Palác Archa, Na Poříčí 26, Praha
Was a great !
Instant Summer 3.
Nobody came but Retart project was there !
Thank you Instant summer.
Retart in Ano magazine
SRP by Retart.
We publish new photo of Skate Remade projekt in Ano magazine.
read here:
Cover for Vlna magazine
My first cover for new issue Vlna magazine.
Vlna (wave) is slovak magazine about contemporary art and culture.
Topic of issue is vision. Here is my vision…
Direct sales
If you like Retart products you are good here. Shop directly on our website and keep everything under you control. Direct marketing is an online sales model that we are gradually passing through because we want to be available anytime and anywhere.
How to buy
In the sections from WALLET to UNIQUE, you will find all the products you can buy here.
Read carefully the description of the product, check the product photos and videos. If you have chosen a product you want to buy, just click on the button ADD TO CART. Your product will moved to cart.
In Cart section you have three option :
1. CONTINUE SHOPPING ( Add more products to Cart )
2. PROCEED TO CHECKOUT ( Finalize your order )
3. UPDATE CART ( Edit selection of your products )
Then click button PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. Now you need to enter the correct information of your order. Fill in your contact and delivery details. Choose your country for shipping.
Select your payment you have four option :
1. TRANSFER TO ACCOUNT ( IBAN / QR CODE scan in your Internet Banking )
2. PAYPAL ( redirect through PAYPAL )
Into window “Add note”: write something important
If you agree with Terms & Conditions click button COMPLET ORDER.
Complete your payment for option 1. TRANSFER TO ACCOUNT - Just check your e-mail (or spam folder). You’ve received a confirmation about your order with payment information. Just transfer your payment from your bank account.
2. and 3. option: Now you will pay redirect through PAYPAL.
The goods will be sent after the payment is received on our account. You will be informed by e-mail when we receive your payment. The transport and the delivery of goods will be provided by the post office services.
If you have some additional questions about the product, the method of delivery or payment, please contact us. In the section contact you can ask by writing messages.
Terms & Conditions
Our policy
These terms and conditions are valid for shopping in the internet shop Retart ( They further define and explain seller (Retart) and buyer (customer) rights and responsibilities.
Matus Kucharovic (Mgr.)
Winterova 24
Piestany 92101
Purchasing the goods on this website the buyer agrees with these terms and conditions, which apply to all relations between the seller and the buyer when concluding a lease contract and also for potential complaints on goods.
Ordering goods
All orders placed on are obligatory for both sides. By placing an order online to purchase a product the buyer confirms that they have read and agreed with these terms and claim conditions. The seller confirms the acceptance of the order by sending e-mail confirming receipt. The seller reserves the right not to accept an order from the buyer, who did not receive or did not pay for the goods in the past. The order may be cancelled by the buyer via e-mail anytime before they receive the confirmation of their order from the seller. The buyer is responsible for the damage which is caused by the incorrect use of the internet shop.
The seller reserves the right to cancel an order when:
- the contact details are not properly completed by the buyer
- the required goods is not available for a longer period
Order confirmation
The order is received within 24 hours, we will send you an order confirmation e-mail sent to you will also be informed by email. Some orders (large quantity or special requirement), you get in touch to confirm your order by phone. The purchase contract is established by sending the order from the website
Price of goods
The price is listed with individual items. All prices are final.
Price of Shipping
Personal pick-up - Piešťany FREE
1. Europe: The territory of the European Union: Price € 5.00 Postal registered mail.
2. World : All other countries of the World: Price € 5.00 Postal registered mail.
3. DPD DELIVERY EU: Price 15€
4. PACKETA EU: Price 4 €
Payment and delivery options
1. TRANSFER TO ACCOUNT ( internet banking )
2. VISA / MASTER CARD ( redirect through PAYPAL )
3. PAYPAL ( redirect through PAYPAL )
Delivery period
The seller is obliged to deliver the goods within the shortest period possible, depending on its availability in store. Delivery time is it from 2 to 5 days. The buyer is obliged to pay the full price for the goods. The buyer takes the possession of goods on the day of full payment. The seller is not responsible for the delayed delivery caused by the postal service. The seller is not responsible for the impossibility of delivering the goods caused by force mayor or when the ordered goods are not available. The order can be cancelled within 24 hours after the reception of the information e-mail.
Cancellation and returns
In accordance with the law on consumer protection is the buyer entitled to defeat a contract within 7 days from the date of delivery. The buyer can back out of the contract in writing, by e-mail: info(a) The number of order and the date of purchase must be included. However, it is essential that the buyer returns the goods: complete and unused in the original packing together with the purchase receipt. The returns of goods are at the buyer’s expense. We recommend insuring the parcel. No cash on delivery is accepted when returning the goods. When all of the above conditions are satisfied the seller is obliged to send back the money for goods on buyer’s account within 14 days from the acceptance of the returned goods.
Final provisions
All changes of these general terms will be done in the written form only and will be published on the seller’s website by the day they come into force at the latest. These terms and conditions came into effect on June the 8rd 2013.
The right to lodge a complaint
If the purchased goods are damaged, the buyer has the right to lodge a complaint. It is necessary for the goods to be clean, complete and in compliance with general hygiene principles. The buyer is compulsory to use the goods according to the generally known rules, as well as according to the requirements determined for the use and treatment of goods in compliance with its natural lifespan.
How to lodge a complaint
You can make a complaint in writing, by e-mail info(a)
The reclaimed goods can be delivered by Slovak post or by a courier. The complaint must contain written description of the damage, which is a subject of the complaint and the purchase receipt.
Seller’s responsibility
The seller is responsible for the quality of the goods and their properties must answer the demands, legal principles and the purpose. The seller is also responsible for the imperfections, which occurred during guarantee period.
The seller is not responsible for the defects:
a) if the defect was caused by the buyer
b) if the buyer was given a discount on the goods
c) If the goods were damaged due to improper use (i.e. contrary to the instructions for use)
d) If the goods were damaged due to unprofessional manipulation
e) if the color of the material does not exactly correspond with the color on the internet according to which the product was purchased
Once the complaint is accepted, a letter of complaint is issued containing the date of acceptance, what kind of goods is reclaimed, when and where the goods were purchased, what defect has occurred and the price of the goods at the purchase. The letter of complaint is sent to the buyer by e-mail. The seller has to examine the reclaimed goods and decides about the complaint, in more complicated cases it may take up to three days. The seller settles the complaint up to 30 days.
Guarantee period
The guarantee period is 24 months from the acceptance of goods. The guarantee period may be longer if it is marked on the goods, on the packaging, or in the guarantee letter. If the claim is provided with repair, guarantee period is extended for the time from the fullfilment of claim to the day, when the consumer is compulsory to take over the goods, even if they did not. If the complaint is provided with exchange of goods, new guarantee period runs from the date when the goods were delivered, respectively sent to the buyer. If the complaint of defective goods is not applied within the guarantee period, the law of liability for defects expires. The buyer will be informed about the complaint in person, by phone or e-mail.
The protection of personal data
Retart appreciates their clients and we realize that Internet shopping requires a large amount of trust. We will respect your privacy. All information you submit will be used only for the purpose of our communication with you, our customers. We will not share your personal information without your permission to third parties.
We are trying to accommodate the demands of our customers.
We will be happy to hear from you in case of any questions or requests!
Retart is an independent label from Slovakia that presents contemporary visual artists and their artworks through functional products.
Unconventional, stylish, but above all practical: these are the properties of the products originally designed imprint presenting pieces of artwork by contemporary international visual artists.
We develops collection of new original pure products as pin, case, hat, cap, lace, wallet, scarf, cover, seat, sunbag, toy and unique boards in products.
Retart merges visual art with original products of daily use and thus makes it accessible not only for gallery visitors, but for everyone.
Won a prestigious award for best new product collection of the Bratislava Dizajnweek 2011. Winner in the category “Best Collection” a collection of brand wallets Retart was awarded for the original link contemporary art and illustrations with a simple design plastic wallet.
The main idea is that the artwork should be seen also outside galleries and be accessible to everyone every day. Since year 2010 we released the first edition of the product and it has been very successful.
Let´s change your dull things for a piece of art you can wear everyday !

Founder of the brand: Matúš Kucharovič
The graphic and product designer currently lives and works in the spa town of Piešťany in his own studio. He studied aesthetics at the Faculty of Education of the Comenius University. In the beginnings of creation, influence and inspiration: street art and pop art. He currently works as a creative director, product designer, for and as a graphic designer for
“A great artistic collaboration is the starting point for my work”.
The basis of my philosophy and creative activity is authorial collaboration.
I am not a materialist, even though we work with material. I prefer the author himself and his work, which has the greatest power for me. The entire process of communication and creation, from the design to the realization of the final product, takes place in my creative studio in Piešťany.
- I only use unconventional and interesting materials with an emphasis on ecology
- I have the most modern printing technologies
- I mainly focus on working in digital media
- I process the used work in such a way that its value remains preserved
- I work with more than 80 contemporary authors
I like to create “tailor-made” collaborations for various interesting clients. I materialize the idea of a product in a symbiosis of design and quality.